Venus Freeze Plus: Things you need to know

What is Venus Freeze Plus?

Venus Freeze is an amazing technology that can combat skin problems caused by multifactorial and environmental reasons. These factors cause premature aging which can cause the skin to sag and develop wrinkles and fine lines. Venus Freeze Plus is an anti-aging, anti-cellulite treatment that can tighten skin, reduce the look of wrinkles, and combat the presence of cellulites, giving your skin a younger-looking and refreshed appearance. It has the easiest system with advanced safety features. The machine uses MP2 technology which combines two new features that significantly increase patient safety, improve ease of use for operators, and lead to more consistent, enhanced, and predictable results to users.

How Does Venus Freeze Plus Work?

Venus Freeze Plus procedure is conducted only by licensed and trained medical professionals. It uses a combination of heat, with suction, radio frequency, and magnetic pulses to stimulate the skin. It utilizes MP2 technology which is composed of Multi-Polar Radio Frequency, combining it with Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF). The machine produces a synergistic effect via delivering radiofrequency and low magnetic field at the site of the skin being treated. This procedure makes sure that the treatment does not only improve the outward appearance of the skin but also maintains the health of cells in deeper layers of the skin. The procedure also helps in generating new collagen and elastin fibers after a series of treatments producing a more youthful skin.

The Venus Freeze Plus machine is also designed to deliver results without compromising the comfort of patients. The applicator slowly gets warmer under the skin and stays within a specified range. Temperature is kept at therapeutic levels using the multi-polar radio frequency. With this, patients do not feel any discomfort or pain during the treatment.

Most professionals recommend getting six sessions for face and neck and eight to ten sessions for other body parts. The length of each session will depend greatly on what body part you are being treated. However, the average time for each procedure runs from 15 to 40 minutes. No downtime is observed and most results are noticeable after two sessions.

What are the benefits of Venus Freeze Plus?

1. Skin Tightening
The Venus Freeze Plus is a non-invasive skin tightening device which reduces skin laxity through increasing the production of collagen and elastin fibers in the skin. The production of these two causes for improved firmness and elasticity of the skin. With the use of radio frequency and magnetic pulses, skin on various areas of the body such as the abdomen, arms, thighs, and buttocks will have a tighter and younger looking skin.
2. Wrinkle Reduction
Wrinkles and fine lines are caused by lack of firmness and elasticity of the skin. With the help of Venus Freeze Plus, it improves the overall firmness and elasticity by enhancing the deposition of collagen and elastin fibres in the skin. It also utilizes Diamond Polar applicator that aids in improving skin from the deeper layers. It can be used on the neck and other parts of the body. This treatment takes pride in correcting even the most severe wrinkles and fine lines on the face and neck.
3. Fat Reduction
Cellulite is a dimple-looking skin that commonly occurs in many parts of the body with excessive fat. It occurs when fatty tissue deep in the skin pushes up against connective tissue creating a lumpy or dimpled appearance of the skin. Venus Freeze Plus reduces cellulite to give your skin a smoother and younger looking appearance. It specifically has good results over cellulites present in thighs, love handles, and buttocks.
4. Anti-aging Treatment
With the use of MP2 technology, Venus Freeze Plus is an amazing anti-aging procedure that can restore firmness and elasticity of the skin after a few sessions. More than stimulating the deposition of collagen and elastin fibers, it promotes skin cells to regenerate faster and healthier. With these, the machine helps reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines, and lax skin. It enhances the skin from the deeper layers to produce a younger and smoother outward appearance of the skin.

Who are the Ideal Candidates?

People dealing with wrinkles, fine lines, and cellulites are ideal candidates for this treatment. Anyone who is starting to lose some of their skin elasticity and beginning to show the early signs of aging such as sagging can immediately start going through the Venus Freeze Plus treatment.

Who is not recommended for Venus Freeze Plus?

People with more severe skin issues such as acne and scarring are usually not recommended for Venus Freeze Plus. It is not also advisable for pregnant or undergoing IVF procedures to take Venus Freeze Plus procedure. People with any skin-related varicose veins, degenerative neurological conditions or people with pacemakers and internal defibrillators are discouraged to undergo the treatment.

If you have any inflammation or infection in areas that you want to undergo Venus Freeze Plus procedure, you are usually advised to postpone the treatment until the inflammation and infection has been resolved.

How is Venus Freeze Plus treatment done?

To start the treatment, patients are required to wash off and remove and face and body make up. After that, you are requested to lie down in a comfortable position. Once you are comfortable enough, a glycerin will be put on to your face or area in which the treatment will be conducted. Once glycerin has been placed, an applicator will be applied to the skin. At this point, you will feel the heat coming from the applicator. The machine has a timer so that users will know exactly how many minutes to stay and treat each body area. Usually after 25 minutes, the procedure is done.

What is the Post Treatment Care?

There is absolutely no downtime after treatment. Some may look a little flushed with a warm skin to touch after treatment, however this usually resolves after 1 to 2 hours. You can immediately resume your daily activities and you can put any face or body product after the procedure.

What are the Venus Freeze Plus treatment results?

Most people observe that their skin became smoother and tighter after their first session. However, treatment results are cumulative. Hence, if you keep using the Venus Freeze Plus, your skin becomes tighter and younger with reduced appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

After the final treatment, good results will continue to improve up to 3 to 4 months. However, because you continue to age through time, maintenance is recommended in order to those good results. It is usually recommended to do treatment once a month or every 3 to 4 months.

What are the possible side effects?

Only very minor side effects that resolve after a few hours have been observed such as minor skin irritation or minor rashes over the treated area. No major side effects have been documented after a series of Venus Freeze Plus treatment.

Where can you find a Venus Freeze Plus provider?

If you are interested in undergoing the Venus Freeze Plus, you can contact your local medical spa or skin care specialist’s office who offer this type of procedure. You can also contact to know your local provider for the procedure.


1. Banks, S. 2015. Venus Freeze Reviews: 9 Things You Need To Know. Retrieved from: Retrieved on 12 May 2020.
2. Segura, M. 2013. We Tried It: Venus Freeze, the Anti-Aging Treatment Celebs Swear by. Retrieved from: Retrieved on 12 May 2020.
3. The Body Sculpting studios. 2016. The Venus Freeze Plus Procedure. Retrieved from: Retrieved on 12 May 2020
4. Venus Concept. 2016. Venus Concept Unveils Venus Freeze Plus™, the Easiest-to-Use System for Non-Invasive Anti-Aging Treatments. Retrieved from: Retrieved on 12 May 2020.
5. Venus Treatments. 2018. Venus Freeze Plus Skin Tightening Treatment. Retrieved from: Retrieved on 12 May 2020.

Frequently Asked Questions

As you get older, your body produces less collagen, which leads to visibly aging skin. Venus Freeze Plus™ provides a pain-free, non-surgical treatment that uses advanced radio frequency technology to comfortably heat the deeper layer of your skin, which increases collagen production. This effectively gets rid of fine lines and deep wrinkles, firms up sagging skin, and restores a more youthful, refreshed appearance.

Venus Freeze Plus™ delivers Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields—Venus Concept’s patented (MP)2 technology—to produce uniform heat under the skin’s surface. (MP)2 works to increase collagen and elastin fibers, which results in firmer, smoother skin that looks noticeably more youthful.

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